I worked with Midnight Commercial and Gentex to make Horizon. The sculpture was created for Cadillac, Interview Magazine, Gentex, and The Story Lab.
The sculpture is massive: a 10-foot diameter torus elevated to eye-level, featuring 200 Gentex Rear Camera Mirrors, each instrumented with custom sensors and generative video feeds to provide a unique, real-time view into a synthetic world. The sculpture’s debut at the Marfa Film Festival inspired the palette, terrain, and population of this world.
Working on an accelerated timeline and with the excellent folk at Midnight Commercial, I led the systems design and engineering for this 13-kilowatt, 200-machine project. The incomparable Adrià Navarro was responsible for the interactivity and graphics, while Casey Bloomquist wrangled the logistics and installation. Along the way, Matthew Borgatti contributed essential industrial design and mechanical engineering services needed to rapidly fabricate the unique, million-pixel optical coupler technology we developed to make this project work. And of course, Midnight Commercial did all the rest of the work!

For more context and some gorgeous timelapses, head over to the Midnight Commercial project page.